St. Anthony Hospital is on a mission to change the future of health care and it begins with education. As healthcare increases in complexity, as more patients present with multiple chronic diseases, and the cost of education remains out of reach for so many, your generosity is needed now more than ever. That’s why we launched the St. Anthony Hospital Scholarship Program.

While more nurses are aging out of the workforce than opting in, we want to ensure that we’re attracting young people into health care professions. As technology grows at light speed, we are focused on helping our caregivers advance their education to meet the demands of the 21st century. As the need for smart, collaborative workforce development programs grow in demand, we remain committed to finding solutions to provide access to affordable education for people from all socio-economic backgrounds.

The scholarship program at St. Anthony Hospital can help us bring this vision to reality. It is designed for caregivers interested in starting or advancing in a health care profession. With award amounts up to $20,000, a scholarship can be the difference between career advancement and career stagnation. We also know that access to continued education improves caregivers’ critical thinking skills and patient outcomes. We know that nurses with a bachelor’s degree or higher see improvements in patient mortality. We like to say that our scholarships offer opportunities from a CNA to a Ph.D and everything in between.

Give Now to support scholarships and the advancement of health care in our community.

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Contact Us

Ben Taylor
Senior Philanthropy Officer
(720) 321-4318

Heidi Wilhelm
Philanthropy Officer
(720) 321-4314

St. Anthony Health Foundation
11600 West 2nd Place
Lakewood, CO 80228






Interested in underwriting a scholarship?
Make a gift of $10,000 or more and we will recognize you or your company with a named scholarship.